
Use focused sessions to improve emotional resilience by learning how to implement healthier coping mechanisms, and develop mental strength. Increased resilience can be a valuable asset in facing life's inevitable ups and downs.

Building mental fortitude

Building mental fortitude

In life we will all go through periods of change and transition, emotional upheaval, and challenges, and  these moments can feel entirely out of our control. However how we respond to these challenges when they arise is something that we can control, and stems from our capacity for resilience. 

Building resilience through therapy

Cognitive-behavioural techniques

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) helps you identify and challenge maladaptive thought patterns and behaviours that undermine mental strength. A psychologist assists in reframing negative beliefs and developing coping strategies. By replacing self-defeating thoughts with constructive alternatives, you can build resilience and improve your ability to navigate adversity.

Insights from neuroscience

Neuroscience research sheds light on the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience, and resilience. Psychologists leverage this knowledge to help you understand how brains respond to stress and adversity, and how activities such as cognitive training, mindfulness practices, and behavioural interventions can strengthen neural networks associated with resilience and emotional regulation.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) emphasises acceptance, mindfulness, and values-based action. A psychologist can help you clarify your values, identify barriers to resilience, and commit to meaningful actions aligned with your goals. Through mindfulness-based exercises and experiential techniques, you'll develop greater capacity to adapt and become more resilient in the face of life's challenges.

What is resilience?

What is resilience?

Resilience is your capacity to bounce back from adversity, navigate challenges, and thrive in the face of adversity. It involves being able to adapt to change, manage stress and strong emotions effectively, and being able to maintain a sense of purpose and optimism in challenging circumstances. From mindfulness practices to cognitive-behavioural techniques and insights from neuroscience, building resilience is crucial for promoting psychological well-being and adaptability. Our psychologists can support you in building and strengthening your emotional and mental strength, whatever you may be facing.

How can a psychologist help build resilience?

Psychologists play a vital role in fostering resilience by encouraging you to be more present (focused on the here and now, not stuck dwelling on the past or too focused on future “what ifs”), fostering positive and meaningful behavioural changes, educating you about how the brain functions and how to use this knowledge, as well as nurturing acceptance and self-compassion. They can provide you with the tools and strategies needed to cultivate resilience and thrive in the face of adversity. 

Cognitive resilience

Maintain a positive outlook, learn from setbacks, and adapt your thinking patterns to cope with stress and adversity. Effectively process information, think critically, solve problems, and maintain mental flexibility in challenging situations.

Emotional resilience

The ability to manage and regulate your emotions in response to stress, adversity, or difficult situations. Maintain composure under pressure, express emotions constructively, and seek social support when needed.

Behavioural resilience

The ability to adapt your actions, behaviours, and responses in the face of adversity or change. Seek out resources and support, take initiative in problem-solving, and demonstrate perseverance in the face of obstacles.

Available psychologists who can help with building resilience


What will a resilience session look like?

A session with a psychologist focused on building resilience may involve the following components: 

  • Mindfulness practice: Your psychologist guides you through a mindfulness meditation exercise, focusing on present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance of thoughts and emotions. Through mindfulness practice, you'll cultivate greater emotional regulation and resilience. 
  • Reframing unhelpful thought patterns: Your psychologist helps you identify negative thought patterns related to resilience, such as catastrophising or self-blame. Using cognitive restructuring techniques, you'll learn to challenge these thoughts and develop more adaptive coping strategies. 
  • Value clarification: Your psychologist assists you to clarify your values and goals, exploring what is truly meaningful and important to you. By aligning actions with values, you'll enhance resilience and foster a sense of purpose and direction in life. 
  • Behavioural activation: Your psychologist helps you identify activities and behaviours that promote resilience and well-being. Together, you'll develop a plan for engaging in these activities regularly, fostering a sense of mastery and accomplishment. 

How do I know if I have poor resilience?

Poor resilience can manifest in various ways, affecting different aspects of your life.

  • Difficulty coping with stress: You may find it hard to manage everyday stressors, feeling overwhelmed or anxious even in minor situations.
  • Negative thought patterns: You might frequently engage in negative self-talk, focusing on your weaknesses and failures rather than your strengths and successes.
  • Avoidance of challenges: Instead of facing challenges head-on, you may tend to avoid them altogether due to fear of failure or lack of confidence in your abilities.
  • Physical symptoms of stress: Poor resilience can also manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, stomach problems, or difficulty sleeping.
  • Low self-esteem: You may have a diminished sense of self-worth or confidence, often doubting your abilities and feeling inadequate.
  • Social withdrawal: You may find it challenging to connect with others or seek support.
  • Difficulty in adapting to change: You might struggle to adapt to changes in your life, whether they are major life transitions or smaller disruptions to your routine.
  • Lack of problem-solving skills: You may have difficulty finding effective solutions to problems or setbacks, leading to a sense of helplessness or hopelessness.
  • Persistent feelings of helplessness: You might feel like you have little control over your circumstances or the ability to influence outcomes in your life.
  • Frequent mood swings: Poor resilience can contribute to mood instability, with fluctuations between feelings of sadness, anger, or frustration.

If you recognise several of these signs in yourself, it's worth considering ways to improve your resilience. Building resilience is a skill that can be developed over time through self-awareness, coping strategies, social support, and positive thinking habits, with the support and guidance of an experienced psychologist.

What clients say about My Mirror

06 April 2023

So grateful

I am so grateful for my psychologist from My Mirror, and having my psychologist available via telehealth has been so much more beneficial for my mental health. Being able to be seen, heard and listened to rather than waiting so long on a waitlist has been a godsend.

03 May 2023

Fantastic experience

Having been initially sceptical, my overall experience with My Mirror has been fantastic. My Mirror matched and connected me with a psychologist who simply “got” me from the very beginning. I cannot recommend this service enough.

05 January 2024

Big tick

I'm one of those people who doesn't enjoy going out of my home or talking to a doctor, let alone a psychologist. Without My Mirror and the services they provide I would most likely neglect seeking help, so it's a big tick from me for these guys.

18 January 2024

What we need

One of the best online platforms I have ever used. The simplicity of the bulk billing system, rebates and the selection of well educated clinical psychologists is what we need. Couldn't of found a better website. 🙌


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