For General Practitioners.

Refer patients to experienced psychologists accessible anywhere in Australia. No wait times.
My Mirror | Online Mental Health Services | GP

How it works.

We believe a digital mental health care journey is more than a video link. My Mirror is a value-based stepped care model optimising the longitudinal journey for the client and clinicians. We adhere to the highest standards in clinical governance to deliver quality care. With multiple options for referral available and advanced integration, we have made the process as simple as possible.
Patient-led upload (preferred)

Once you have provided your patient with their MHCP and referral to My Mirror, your patient can upload their documents to their account on our platform to access their rebates. Your patient can then choose their desired psychologist and book their session at a time best suited to their schedule.

Fax referrals to 1800 931 956

Fax is available as an option if preferred by your clinic.

Email referrals & MHCPs to

You can email referrals to our admin team and we will support your patients in uploading to their account. Please advise your patient to create an account with My Mirror to expedite the process.

Correspondence & re-referral.

You can expect timely correspondence directly from your patient's chosen My Mirror psychologist via your preferred contact method.

Following the sixth session, if your patient's psychologist deems it clinically appropriate that their patient requires the remaining sessions on their MHCP, they will send correspondence. 

Want access to our free MHCP template and easy upload?

You can create an account on our platform for free access to our streamlined MHCP template and upload features. You will also be provided with a printable document to inform your patients about online therapy and how to get started with My Mirror. 

Older man at desk with laptop

A psychology ecosystem that connects the dots between you, your patient and the help they need.


If you are feeling suicidal or are in crisis call 000 (AU) or use these resources to get immediate help.