About My Mirror.

My Mirror is an online stepped care psychology service to support all Australians. When you want. Where you want.
"In 2017-18, one in five (20.1%) or 4.8 million Australians had a mental or behavioural condition." [1]
"In 2017-18, around one in eight (13.0% or 2.4 million) Australians aged 18 years and over experienced high or very high levels of psychological distress." [2]
"In 2017-18, three in five adults (60.8%) in Australia experienced a low level of psychological distress." [3]

At My Mirror, our mission is to maximise our social impact to reduce statistics suggesting more than half of Australians never obtain support over the life of their mental health issue.  

We believe the mental health crisis is as much a systems crisis as it is a modern behavioural human problem with deep biological, psychological, social and existential roots. We provide an evolving, purpose built, high access, end to end ‘ tele-tech’ healthcare service dedicated to constant evolution and value based care, to provide the foundation for what needs to become a paradigm shift in the prevailing modern thought on how we obtain what we need or want.   We hope to address and normalise seeking psychological help by eliminating the stigma, geographical, financial and time-related accessibility barriers that often make it difficult to seek therapy conveniently.  

Our founding philosophy comes from the symbolism of the Japanese Kintsugi sound mirror where it is believed that when something has become damaged it shouldn’t simply be thrown away or disregarded. It should instead, attract our attention and be repaired with enormous care – this process symbolising a reconciliation with the flaws and accidents of time, thereby becoming stronger and more beautiful with the right treatment. 

 Kin = golden 

 tsugi = joinery 

 ‘to join with gold’. 


[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2018, National Health Survey: First Results, 2017-18 (4364.0.55.001), https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/4364.0.55.001 

[2] [3] Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2018), National Health Survey: First Results, 2017-18 (4364.0.55.001), https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/by%20Subject/4364.0.55.001~2017-18~Main%20Features~Psychological%20distress~20

Our Supporters & Partners

Online psychology services.

My Mirror | Online Mental Health Services | About
Online platform.
Our seamless automated online platform allows you to book sessions, speak to your psychologist and track your progress.
Find the right psychologist.
Choose a psychologist based on their biography, areas of experience and/or availability, or use our automated matching system to help you find the right psychologist.
My Mirror psychologists run a 50-minute consultation and will upload their notes for future reference (essential for regular or intermittent sessions).

"Once repaired, we are stronger and more beautiful in the places we've been broken." Kintsugi philosophy

Our Team

Matthew Zoeller
Matthew Zoeller
Founder & Director
Dr Matthew Zoeller (MBBS, FCICM) is an Intensive Care Specialist and the Director of Education and Training at the Northern Beaches Hospital (NBH), Sydney. Matt brings significant health, healthcare systems analysis and welfare programs expertise.
Joshua Liwszyc
Joshua Liwszyc
Co-Founder & CEO
Josh is passionate about providing high-access solutions that deliver optimal health outcomes for the individual and community. Josh brings over 16 years of experience as a senior executive to lead our high-performance team and drive business strategic planning and operational implementation.
Kate Blundell
Kate Blundell
Chief Psychologist
Kate is a clinical psychologist with research expertise at Macquarie University and the University of NSW, and a particular interest in stepped care and e-mental health.
Adam Niedzwiedz
Adam Niedzwiedz
Chief Technology Officer
Adam is a senior IT, software automation and integrations expert with government, financial organisations and SME contract expertise. Adam is also the Founder & MD at Process Automation Group.

Our Psychologists.

My Mirror online psychologists are fully registered and individually approved by our team. They’re equipped with a wide range of experience and are available to help you take responsibility for your mental wellbeing when you need it the most.

If you are feeling suicidal or are in crisis call 000 (AU) or use these resources to get immediate help.

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