Helping your clients recover

Our psychologists are registered with state-wide workers' compensation schemes and are here to help your clients with timely and high-quality mental health support. 

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Helping your clients recover

My Mirror online psychology services for psychological injury

We offer evidence-based therapies tailored to each client and work closely with all parties involved to support their recovery and return to work. 

Coordinated care for a successful return to work

Coordinated care for a successful return to work

My Mirror works closely with Case Managers to provide the highest standard of care for clients. Our experienced psychologists work with clients using evidence-based strategies and collaborate closely with all parties involved. Our interventions are practical and aim to build clients' self-management skills, facilitating a safe and early return to work for injured employees.

We strictly adhere to guidelines for psychological treatment, ensuring that all services are "reasonable and necessary" and time-limited. After conducting a thorough client assessment, we work together with the injured employee to develop a personalised treatment plan and use relevant outcome measures to monitor progress.

Tailored therapy sessions for clients with work-related injuries

Tailored therapy sessions for clients with work-related injuries

Our services are designed to assist individuals who have suffered from work-related injuries and who require psychological treatment to support their recovery and return to work. 

We offer a range of evidence-based therapies that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, and our experienced and compassionate psychologists work closely with clients to achieve maximum independence, self-efficacy, and quality of life. 

Connecting the dots for efficient referrals

Connecting the dots for efficient referrals

Our process for referring clients for psychological treatment for work-related injuries is simple and straightforward. To refer your clients, complete our online form by providing their work cover details. 

Our team will then contact your client directly to arrange an appointment with the most suitable psychologist for their needs.

Once the client books and manages their sessions, we will send an invoice to the insurer for payment. With this process, we aim to make the referral and booking process as easy and efficient as possible, allowing your clients to receive the care and support they need to achieve optimal recovery.

Worker's compensation psychologists available now

Benefits of My Mirror

Benefits of My Mirror

  • No wait times
  • Up to 21h/day access
  • Access from anywhere in Australia
  • Affordable therapy sessions

What clients say about My Mirror

06 April 2023

So grateful

I am so grateful for my psychologist from My Mirror, and having my psychologist available via telehealth has been so much more beneficial for my mental health. Being able to be seen, heard and listened to rather than waiting so long on a waitlist has been a godsend.

03 May 2023

Fantastic experience

Having been initially sceptical, my overall experience with My Mirror has been fantastic. My Mirror matched and connected me with a psychologist who simply “got” me from the very beginning. I cannot recommend this service enough.

05 January 2024

Big tick

I'm one of those people who doesn't enjoy going out of my home or talking to a doctor, let alone a psychologist. Without My Mirror and the services they provide I would most likely neglect seeking help, so it's a big tick from me for these guys.

18 January 2024

What we need

One of the best online platforms I have ever used. The simplicity of the bulk billing system, rebates and the selection of well educated clinical psychologists is what we need. Couldn't of found a better website. 🙌


If you are feeling suicidal or are in crisis call 000 (AU) or use these resources to get immediate help.